About Us, the Elements

The Key Elements was founded in 1989 as a co-ed a cappella group. We perform innovative arrangements of songs in a variety of genres, including pop, rock, R&B, soul, jazz, and everything in between. We strive to provide Cornell with awe-inspiring performances and offer an opportunity for students of any background to pursue their musical passions while creating lifelong friendships along the way.

Each academic year, we put on two themed concerts: Rocktoberfest in the Fall and Brave the Elements in the Spring. We also perform in multi-group arch sings, philanthropy concerts, Convocations, Cornell award ceremonies, and much more throughout the year.

We are unparalleled in energy and stylistic range, and our diverse sound makes for always exciting and edgy performances. Our focus is on making good music and having fun doing it!

Spring 2025 Auditions

Interested in joining the Key Elements?  Check out the Spring '25 audition information below!
Monday-Wednesday, January 24-27 - 5-7 pm
Thursday, January 28 - 5-8 pm
RPCC 203

Fall 2024 Concert

Our Music

Keep your eye out for new music coming Spring '25!

ABBA Medley
Brave the Elements XXX, Spring 2022

Other Side of Paradise (opb. Glass Animals)
Rocktoberfest XXII, Fall 2021

Somebody to Love (opb. Queen)
Brave The Elements XXXI, Spring 2023

Paralyzer (opb. Finger Eleven)
Rocktoberfest XXIII, Fall 2022

Above are videos of our live performances on our YouTube channel.
Be sure to click below to listen to our latest recorded EPs KE-Ovid (2021), Ignite (2020), and Catalyst (2016) on Spotify!





Chris “Tolis” Johnson '26
The 2nd best wasian Chris in the group.

Vice President


Hansa suresh '28
Fall '24 Newb!

Music Director



Ashleyrose "safpack" Saffie '26
Fantasy Football Champion (she played on auto pilot).

Assistant Music Director


Gabriella "star" Javier '27
Plays the trumpet, it’s no biggie.


Nina "Siren" Piesanen '26
Will one day sing bass.


The color of her tie = her personality.


Anuva Kolli '28
Fall '24 Newb!


Alessandra "fangirl" Giragos '27
Can quote Key Elements choreography from 1992.


Half baguette lost in a big big world.


Rhea calls him Jake Walter.


Is continuing the KE Ibañez dynasty.


Chris "sign of the times" tolis '25
Rhea calls him Topher.


Robert  "Robbie appleseed" Farbman '26
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!


Ask him about his 23andMe.


  • Aaron S. Rubin
    Aarik Ibanez
    Abby Schulman
    Adam Jackman
    Albert Monina
    Alex Dempsey
    Alex Grey
    Alex Springer
    Alexander (Alex) Cha
    Allison Fritts-Penniman
    Amanda Mikesell
    Ann Zhao
    Anna Castro Caffarelli
    Anna Siegel
    Anne Wormalot
    Anson Mayers
    Arielle Ray
    Ben Herbert
    Ben Slovis
    Benjamin Wadowski
    Brendan Coyle
    Brennan Cumming
    Brian Kreiswirth
    Bryce Neserella
    Carlton Cassedy
    Cassidy Molina
    Cassie Bigelow
    Chris Frank

  • Chris Lee
    Chris Versfelt
    Chrissy Coyle
    Christina Masco
    Claire Song
    Clara Eizayaga
    Coco Heitmann
    Dan McGovern
    Danielle Nelson
    Daven Roshan
    David Anderson
    David Yarmchuk
    Debby Gu
    Diego Ricaurte
    Edem Dzodzomenyo
    Elizabeth Geuss
    Emily Gustafson
    Emma Eaton
    Eunice Lee
    Faith Wu
    Grace Traore
    Greg Manz
    Harold Zable (ne Zatz)
    Heather Smith
    Helen Yang

  • Irin Kim
    Izumi Matsuda
    Jackie Sutton
    Jacob Hurst
    Jane Lim
    Janie Walter
    Jared Valentin
    Jeff Nan
    Jeremy Coyle
    Jonji Mendez
    Joonyoung Hwang
    Justin Huyck
    Justin Meli
    Kajsa Dalrymple
    Laura (Schultz) Rog
    Lauren Dachille
    Lenny Rubin
    Lou Levine
    Lynne Morgan
    Mandi White-Ajmani
    Marc Aquino
    Mark Detwiler
    Mary Helen Immordino
    Matt Zambelli
    Max Alaghband
    Maya Durham
    Michael Spanier
  • Michelle Carfagno
    Michelle Florentine
    Mike Stevens
    Mikey Linnetz
    Mill Brown
    Katie Brown
    Mitch Laski
    Nathaniel LaCelle-Peterson
    Omer Kayhan
    Padma Krishnan
    Preeti Phanse
    Quinn Theobald
    Rachel Korosi
    Rachel Moon
    Randi Rotjan
    Rhea Sinha
    Rory Williams
    Samara Levy
    Sara Mills
    Sarah Cabell
    Sarah Lindauer
    Sesha Kammula
    Sean Yu
    Susie Fendt
    Veronica Palumbo
    Yabework Abebe


Want Cornell's most electrifying a cappella group to perform at your next event? Just want to say hi?
Contact us at thekeyelements.cu@gmail.com!

This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

Copyright @ The Key Elements Co-ed A Cappella